Nothing will be automatically sent if window.goatcounter.no_onload
is set; the
easiest way to set this is from data-goatcounter-settings
on the script tag:
<script data-goatcounter=""
data-goatcounter-settings='{"no_onload": true}'
async src="//"></script>
For static or server-side rendered sites this is usually the simplest approach.
You can also set this in JavaScript (before the script loads); for example to
automatically skip if the <body>
’s class contains goatcounter-skip
window.goatcounter = {
no_onload: body.classList.contains('goatcounter-skip'),
<script data-goatcounter=""
async src="//"></script>
Or match against a list of paths:
['/wp-admin.php', '^/feed/.*'].forEach((p) => {
if (p === window.location.pathname || window.location.pathname.match(p))
window.goatcounter = {no_onload: true}
<script data-goatcounter=""
async src="//"></script>
Feel free to get in touch if you’ve got any questions or having any problems; a lot of times they can be resolved without too much problems.
Ways to contact me: show